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Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 15:11:35 PST
From: The Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
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Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #28
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Info-Mac Digest Thu, 4 Feb 93 Volume 11 : Issue 28
Today's Topics:
[*] Bolo 0.96
(Q) Mac Classic II and external monitors...
2 HD inside a Mac II? (A)
AD2.0x Updater (R)
ADB rotary controller? (A)
AfterDark 2.0x Updater
Apple's crippled machines and lowest common denominator software
Apple 13" RGB Monitor Problems
A really obscure piece of hardware...
Blither, and lots of it, though well meaning (Q)
Canon CLC-10 for Mac
CD-ROM Weirdness
CD-Rom Wierdness
Color Scanner opinions sought
Crash when running VersaTermPro and their is a beep
Cricket Graph III
Dark side retrieval problems continued.
DataClub Source or Alternative(Q)
Diskdoubler and 7.1 conflict?? (Q)
Displaying Postscript (R)
Exodus vs MacX
FDHD Floppy for Mac SE
FoxPro Mac
Frozen powerbook
HELP: Computer Pub List?
HP 4M versus LW Pro 630 (C)
Jasmine drives
Lisp for the Macintosh ?
MacLayers on HP-UX? (Q)
MacWhite House
Matrix inversion in Mathematica
MS Word 4.0 and Excel 3.0 in Portuguese?
Network Mystery Problems
Now Menus
Patching the 4M driver
Phone number anagrams
Postscript (Q)
Problem with PB145 and Power Pad
program submitters *please* write a useful header before posting
Reading from Unix Floppy Disks with a Mac
Running an original Mac???
screen saver wanted
Slide Scanner Add-On (Q)
Strip accented characters for email? (A)
Stylewriter II (Q)
Suitcase 2.0 & 2.1 (Q)
SVGA Monitors for Mac IIsi (A)
Symantec e-mail (or looking for __________)
TeachText Editor
TypeStyler 2.0.2 available
Using MacsBug
USR modem and error correction
UUdecoders & btoa for the mac.
Virtual 3.0 runs on Mac SE ?
wedding planner (C) :-)
The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa.
The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[]. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.
Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 93 02:41:45 -0800
From: Stuart Cheshire <cheshire@pescadero.stanford.edu>
Subject: [*] Bolo 0.96
Here is Bolo 0.96.
Revised copies of maps are to follow
[The insanely great multiplayer tank game. Highly recommended. -Bill]
Stuart Cheshire <cheshire@cs.stanford.edu>
* Liliore Green Rains Houses Resident Computer Coordinator
* Stanford Distributed Systems Group Research Assistant
* Macintosh Programmer
[Archived as /info-mac/game/bolo-096.hqx; 636K
/info-mac/game/bolo-maps.hqx; 153K]
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 17:21:38 +0100
From: gjb%BDILUC01.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU
Subject: (Q) Mac Classic II and external monitors...
On behalf of a friend of mine, I would like to submit the following question
to the net:
Is it possible to connect an external monitor (especially a VGA or SVGA) to
a Mac Classic II?
I know of some possibilities, but I'm also interested about opinions on
different products. Please mail directly to me at:
and if I get enough respons, I will submit a report to the list.
Many thanks in advance,
Geert Jan Bex
dept. theor. phys.
LUC, Diepenbeek
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1993 19:55:08 PST
From: Kee Nethery <nethery@parc.xerox.com>
Subject: 2 HD inside a Mac II? (A)
>sorry if this is a FAQ but is there any way to install 2 Hard Drives inside
>a Mac II?
Yes. There are two issues, physical space and cabling.
1. Physical space, not all Mac2s have a hard drive that is small enough the
allow a second drive to be installed right next to it. Some do however. If
your internal drive is small enough, many drive venders sell internal drive
mounting kits with a bracket and cables to allow two internal hard drives.
2. The second internal drive MUST have a different SCSI ID from the
original drive. See the new drive's instructions on how to place jumpers to
do this. The second drive MUST NOT have the internal termination resistors,
you need to remove them. Again, read the instructions.
My advise is to look at your original drive to see if it is small enough to
where you can envision two of them side by side. If that looks good, buy a
mounting kit for your new drive and follow the instructions on how to use
the mounting kit.
Date: 04 Feb 1993 07:44:24 -0500
From: Pete Roberts <proberts@draper.com>
Subject: AD2.0x Updater (R)
Subject: Time:7:38 AM
OFFICE MEMO AD2.0x Updater (R) Date:2/4/93
Quite right. Applying the After Dark 2.0x updater to a PASSWORD PROTECTED
installs an unknown password. Solution: Reinstall AD off your distribution
disk, or from your backup disks/tapes, whatever. Then make sure that there is
no password specified. If there is, change it to the null string by just
clicking OK to the dialogs presented after you give your old password. AD2.0x
will NOT install a new password into a cdev that has no password, so just
AD2.0x again. Save a copy of the unpassword-protected cdev, and then set up
your password again.
I speculate that AD2.0x is not installing a new password but for some reason
clobbering the old one.
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1993 19:55:27 PST
From: Kee Nethery <nethery@parc.xerox.com>
Subject: ADB rotary controller? (A)
> I was wondering if anyone has the ADB specs or knows where to find them.
The Apple tech manuals include all the information of the signals that
happen on ADB. If you are going to build an ADB device, good luck. It is
not a trivial thing to do. If you are successful, you should let everyone
know, you are not the only one who wants ADB gadgets.
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1993 08:19:30 -0600
From: vellek@telesphere.wustl.edu (Mark Vellek, M.D.)
Subject: AfterDark 2.0x Updater
Don't know what this updater was SUPPOSED to do, but it did update my
AfterDark application... It also changed my defaults and when I went in to
change them, I noticed that the Password option was turned off again (I use
this machine at work and it's all I need as far as security protection). I
clicked it on, only to find out AFTER it put my machine to sleep that the
password has been changed! Believe me, I've tried all my old passwords and
defaults, but none of them worked. I even tried using ResEdit to search my
backup copy for the password so I could change it, to no avail.
Caveat emptor...
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 09:29:07 -0100
From: hewat@ill.fr
Subject: Apple's crippled machines and lowest common denominator software
Brian Hughes wrote:
> The LC040 is better than a '030. The '030 doesn't have the data and
>instruction caches of the 040 class chip that make it so much faster. A
>25Mhz LC040 runs faster than a 50Mhz '030 and costs less to make.
Thats why I moved from an SE/30 to a Quadra. But I don't know about
your "less to make". I suspect that the cost difference between making
any of these chips is about $50 i.e. not a big percentage of $2-4K.
My original point was that this was a marketing decision, not based on
engineering or manufacturing cost. Apple want to continue to sell
machines for $4-5K while extending their user base with cheaper
machines, which they then have to cripple. When you have a monopoly
you can get away with this.
> Excel only uses an FPU if you use some of the heavier functions and
>even then it will work without one; all simple spread sheet work could
>be done, with no noticeable slowdown, without an FPU.
The problem with Apple's marketing strategy is that it reduces the lowest
common denominator for Macs, to which software is written. So Exel has
to run on Macs without an FPU, and you get compromise software that
costs more to produce. Users are going to pay that $50 anyway. Apple
are trading short term market share for long term product superiority.
Apple did see the danger of multiplying processor specs. when they finally
stopped using the 68000, but now they are being pulled back the other way.
I would like to see them at least put an FPU SOCKET in all Macs. And if
they have to cripple, pick on the video, bus and CPU speeds etc rather than
the ROM or CPU instructions.
LC040 stands for Lowest Common denominator, not Low Cost.
Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE (hewat@ill.fr) Fax (France=33).
Date: 4 Feb 93 09:13:00 CST
From: "Mike Sisson " <SISSON_MD@brutus>
Subject: Apple 13" RGB Monitor Problems
Recently one of our 13" Apple RGB Monitors became reluctant to start up when
the computer was turned on. The problem happens sporadically and eventually
it will come on after playing with the monitor on/off switch and/or waiting
a while. I have looked in the Dead Mac Scrolls (btw, an excellent book) but
none of the situations described fit my problem. Soooo-------
If this sounds familiar to anyone please let me know what you did to fix it
and where you got parts (I am assuming some capacitor problem).
BTW, this is an old (circa 1987) monitor so no returning to Apple for free
Mike Sisson
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 10:36:55 -0600
From: oehler@picard.cs.wisc.edu (Wonko the Sane)
Subject: A really obscure piece of hardware...
Does anyone know where to find, or even if one exists, a serial-to-CV
or MIDI-CV converter that could connect to a mac? I recently was offered an
ARPOmni synthesizer, one of those classic analog synths with the fat sound and
98-pound woodgrain case. Before I accept the offer, I'd like to know if I
couldinterface my mac with it, whether through serial-CV or Serial-MIDI-CV. I
roland made a card for the IBM that did serial-CV at one point. Does anything
similar exist for a mac?
Yes, I like analog synths. I'm into synth nostalgia. Besides, they're making
a comeback! Listen to anything involving Vince Clarke, and see what I mean.
Eric Oehler
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 14:28:26 +0100
From: andersw%vinga.hum.gu.se@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU (Anders Wahlin)
Subject: Authenticator
Does anyone know anything about a program called Authenticator
Date: Wed, 03 Feb 93 21:15 PST
From: Michael A Reed <IZZYFI1@MVS.OAC.UCLA.EDU>
Subject: Blither, and lots of it, though well meaning (Q)
Remember how to bigger your drive is, the larger the minimum
file partition gets, and that's one reason we do extraordinarily
clever things like hard-partitioning them? For example, while
aliases take up around 500 bytes, they are still assigned a size
of 2K on my 80 meg drive. Ooh, wasted space!
The $25,000 question is -- where are the breaks in minimum
sizing? I think the min. is 1K for a 40, but how big do you need
to get before it becomes 3K?
I'll be getting a computer soon (My very own!--pause for
fanfare), most likely a 5/230 (IIci) or an 8/230 (Centris 650),
and I'm thinking about how I should hard-partition it.
Whaddaya think?
--Me 8)
PS -- The Centris looks WAY cool, except for the IIvx case..
Echh! Oh well. An internal Syquest would be nice.. later.
PPS -- You know, that was probably a totally anal and pathetic
question to ask. Feel free to publicly humiliate me.
PPPS -- No, it probably wasn't. I suppose it'll be more efficient
and everything, and I am used to two hard drives..
PPPPS -- Please tell me to shut up. 8)
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 11:28:35 +0100
From: diessel@marthe.informatik.unibw-muenchen.de (Thomas Diessel)
Subject: Canon CLC-10 for Mac
Our institute plans to buy a Canon CLC-10 copyer/scanner/printer. It will
connected to a Mac Quadra 700. Canon offers an IPU with SCSI interface and
Freedom-of-Press software. But I heard a rumor that there will be another
Postscript interface in the near future. Now I'm thinking whether we should
wait for this.
Does anybody know details about this new Postscript interface?
Will it be only software and still use the SCSI-IPU? Or will it be a new
Can anybody report some experiences with the Canon CLC-10 and Mac?
Thomas Diessel
Federal Armed Forces University, Munich
Computer Science Department
Werner-Heisenberg-Weg 39, W-8014 Neubiberg, Germany
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1993 08:39:54 -0500
From: jtbell@cs1.presby.edu (Jon Bell)
Subject: CD-ROM Weirdness
Ken Kirksey asked why his Quadra won't let him eject a CD-ROM from his
Apple CD-300 unless he turns off file sharing.
I have a similar problem on my SE/30 with a NEC CD-74 player, running
System 7.0.1 with the Tune-Up. "This disk cannot be removed because it
is being shared." (or something like that). Here's the kicker... I don't
even have file sharing turned on!!!
Jon Bell / Dept. of Physics & Comp. Sci. / Presbyterian College / Clinton SC
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 12:03:35 +0100
From: ptr@greco2.polytechnique.fr(Peter Goedtkindt)
Subject: CD-Rom Wierdness
This is a reply about the message posted by Ken B Kirksey on wed, 3 Feb
about the problem ejecting removable media when file sharing is on.
The problem : when file sharing is on, one cannot unmount a disk, even when
it is not shared.
I have this problem since sys. 7 came out, and up to now I don't have a
solution. This applies to Syquest, CD-rom and magneto-optical devices.
Probably also for shared hard disk partitions, but I didn't tried this.
The really ugly thing about this is that, when you specify the disk (in the
finder file menu) not to be shared, you still cannot unmount it in the
System 7 is great, but the Apple folks that constructed the file sharing
code probably never had heard about removables. Please change this in
You can eject a diskette, so why not a non-shared disk?
Solutions are VERY welcome
Greetings from Paris (salutations)
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 14:51:18 -0500
From: gfink@relay.nswc.navy.mil
Subject: Color Scanner opinions sought
Has anyone out there in the ether been in the market for a color scanner
recently? My wife's office is looking for one and right now they're comparing
the UMAX UC1200s UltraVision (What a name!) with the various Microtek and Afga
Color Scanners. Any advice/opinions/recommendations will be appreciated.
-- Glenn Fink
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1993 14:06:29 PST
From: "Bruce Goldstein, (818) 354-7366" <bgoldstein@jplsp.jpl.nasa.gov>
Subject: Crash when running VersaTermPro and their is a beep
My Macintosh would occasionally crash when running VersaTermPro and there
was a beep. I called their technical support, and they said that in
the Settings Menu, under Extras..., pull down the Sounds menu and turn
Terminal Beep off (it is OK to have the others on). Your terminal still
beeps when you get a BELL (control-G), the only difference is that you
get the standard default beep of the Macintosh rather than the VersaTermPro
beep. So, if a beep crashes your Mac when running VersaTermPro, try this.
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 08:45:16 -0500
From: GILES JR G E <geg@stc06.ctd.ornl.gov>
Subject: Cricket Graph III
I have been using CG3 since it first came out. We got an update to
version 1.01 and have used it a lot. In general I like it due to the
new power that it has and the fixing of many of the problems of
earlier CG.
I am running 7.0.1<dot> with very few nonstandard cdevs. I have
experienced intermittent crashes of my IIci that seem to be related
to CG3. This is annoying but I still tend to use CG3 instead of
CG2 or Kaleigraph or Deltagraph.
Gary Giles, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, geg@ornl.gov
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 06:55 EST
From: Mark London <MRL@NERUS.PFC.MIT.EDU>
Subject: Dark side retrieval problems continued.
I still have not been able to successfully binhex dark side 3.2. Has anyone
been able to do it using binhex v4.0? I have tried getting a new copy of
>From the info-mac directory, and have obtained the copy of dark side from
ftp.apple.com, but it still gives me a crc error during the binhex (on 2
different macs). Someone told me he was able to get dark side using binhex
v2.0, but I don't know if he obtained the latest version or not. If anyone
send me a hqx file of binhex v2.0 (or 3.0???) to give that idea a try, I'd
appreciate it. Thanks.
Mark London
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1993 19:56:36 PST
From: Kee Nethery <nethery@parc.xerox.com>
Subject: DataClub Source or Alternative(Q)
Does anyone know where to obtain what used to be called DataClub? Are there
any other file serving software packages that can make a set of AppleShare
compatible servers appear to users as one single server with one single
hard drive?
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 09:54 MET
Subject: Diskdoubler and 7.1 conflict?? (Q)
Diskdoubler does not work anymore on my Classic, after selecting a file
all options are dimmed except About... and Settings....
The strange thing is that some files can be expanded or compressed e.g.
aliases on the desktop and some other files. Most files however not.
I assume it has something to do with my recent upgrade to System 7.1
but am not sure about this. I reinstalled AD(v 2.0i) and DD (3.7) with
no succes, I also rebuilt the desktop.
Another thing....
The AD-updater I downloaded from the net
is not working, at 3/4 of the pathing process the error code -192
appears. As suggested I reinstalled AD en DD from the masterdisks
without any improvement.
Thanks for your help
Bert Smit
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1993 21:52 CST
From: Daniel Schwalbe <G00017@MSUS1.MSUS.EDU>
Subject: Displaying Postscript (R)
> From: G Marsden (PG) <gma@compsci.stirling.ac.uk>
> Does anyone know of a way to reverse engineer a file of postscript
> graphics back into a pretty diagram on my Mac screen? ( I am working
> with th
ematica kernel which produces graphics in a postscript file
> and I need some way to display them ).
Ghostscript 2.5.2 for the Macintosh should work for this. It is
archived as:
/info-mac/util/ghostscript-252-runtime-1.hqx; 1964K
/info-mac/util/ghostscript-252-runtime-2.hqx; 870K
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 15:17:48 EST
From: "Mel Martinez" <mem@jhufos.pha.jhu.edu>
Subject: Exodus vs MacX
Does anybody out there have any experience using Exodus (an XWindows server by
White Pine Software)? I have the comparative review done by MacUser about a
year or so ago, but the versions used in that article are kind of ancient. I
have used MacX and would really appreciate any opinions from those who have
both packages. With the recent price hike of MacX, we are trying to explore
non-Apple options, obviously. Does anyone know of any other X-servers for the
Mac out there?
Thanks in advance.
{cross-posted: mac-l, info-mac}
Mel Martinez
The Johns Hopkins University
Dept. of Physics
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1993 08:04:10 +0000
From: csimmons@first.etc.bc.ca (Craig Simmons)
Subject: FDHD Floppy for Mac SE
>Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1993 14:46:05 EST
>From: bouldin@anvil.nrl.navy.mil
>Subject: FDHD Floppy for Mac SE
>I have a Mac SE (with a Novy acclerator board installed in it). This makes
>a fine computer, except for the 800K floppies. I wanna upgrade at least one
>floppy to 1.4 meg. SO, does apple still sell such an upgrade for the SE?
>If not, does anyone know what 3rd party solutions are available???
As far as I know, Apple is still supplying the FDHD solution to SE users,
but if they have discontinued it, You can still get Applied Engineering's
solution. It is an external 1.44 Mb drive that will even work on a Mac
Hope this helps...
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 14:20:20 -0500
From: reiserdb@ttown.apci.com (David B. Reiser)
Subject: FoxPro Mac
Someone mentioned that FoxPro Mac will be released in the near future.
Depends on what you call "near". There's a developer who has a vertical
market app developed in FoxPro DOS. He showed the product at recent trade
show and got significantly higher response to his promised Mac version vs.
the already shipping DOS version. The developer apparently used that response
level to plead for info from MS. The response he got was that they (Fox? MS?)
pitched the Foxpro Mac code entirely (no statement as to when) and started
over from scratch.
Since MS is now only saying that they will ship it when it is ready, and they
are also already giving dates for when NT will ship (all undoubtedly to be
missed, IMO), I'd say "Don't hold your breath" for seeing FPMac anytime in
I use Foxbase+/Mac and like it. It has recently saved me from having to fix
problems with Paradox screwing up a text import on a 26 meg database. I'm
certainly not a high powered database developer, but FBM's speed is especially
appreciated when I do something that's less than optimally efficient.
Dave Reiser
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 93 01:29:33 EST
From: Philippe Marx <R27350%UQAM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: Frozen powerbook
Has anyone encountered the same phenomenon?
Sometimes, when I press a key to wake up my Powerbook 140 4/40 from its
sleep, it seems to freeze.
The screen comes to light, showing the picture of what was going on
before being put to rest, but the arrow doesn't move, and stays somewhere
in the screen.
Sometimes, I can hear the hard drive's whirl, but nothing happens.
The only way to go back to work is then to reset the machine...
This can happen whenever the PB is put to rest by any traditionnal (Apple)
way or by using Superclock 3.9.1.The final result shows no difference:
Freeze !!!
Any Clue ?
Date: 04 Feb 1993 08:11:00 -0500 (EST)
From: Eston Martz <EMARTZ@a1.psupen.psu.edu>
Subject: HELP: Computer Pub List?
Hi there!
Our office needs a listing of computer magazines and publications, preferably
with addresses. Would anyone have such a thing available, or know an FTP site
where I might get it?
Thanks for you help!
Eston Martz
Ag Information Services
The Pennsylvania State University
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1993 11:47:39 EST
From: rothman@qm.tegra.com (Steve Rothman)
Subject: HP 4M versus LW Pro 630 (C)
HP 4M versus LW Pro 630 (C)
I haven't personally seen the output of either of these two machines,
but one thing to keep in mind in evaluating this kind of choice (different
dpi levels, "resolution enhancement," etc.) is what the output will be used
If you will be using the laser printer output directly, then you simply
want the one that outputs "better looking" pages (assuming price,
reliability, features, etc. are the same).
HOWEVER, if you will be using the laser printer output as a master for
photocopying or offset printing, then be aware that a "better looking"
original DOES NOT always create better copies, especially when it comes to
halftones (tints, photos, etc.). Unfortunately, I can't offer any rules of
thumb for predicting this (maybe someone else can?) but if nothing else, see
if you can try before you buy...
Steve Rothman <rothman@tegra.com>
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 93 22:16:38 CST
From: gray@cmgroup.engr.wisc.edu
Subject: Jasmine drives
I just bought an old Jasmine drive (no letters telling me I'm
a fool please) that I can't get Drive7 to recognize. I am
able to mount with SCSI Probe (with effort---two clicks on
"Mount" and then one on "Update"). Until I mount it with
SCSI probe it shows up in the SCSI Probe window as a bullet
meaning no data. In addition, Disk First Aid will recognize
it immediately and Apple HD SC Setup will not (I realize that
I shouldn't use HD SC Setup with non-Apple drives).
(1) Does anyone have experience with this. I wanted to
reformat the Jasmine with Drive7 to work with System 7
and an SE/30 since it used to be on a Plus (bad
interleaves, etc.).
(2) I understand that someone other than Jasmine (obviously)
is now repairing/supporting old Jasmine drives. Does
anyone have a name and a phone number of who that might
The drive is a Jasmine DirectDrive 45, about 3 years old
(after repair by Jasmine). The SE/30 has an internal drive
also. We tried a different SCSI cable and that didn't help
Thank you.
Gary L. Gray * Engineering Mechanics & Astronautics
gray@cmgroup.engr.wisc.edu * University of Wisconsin-Madison
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1993 08:11:38 GMT
From: Enrique Navarro Sanchis <navarro@pereiii.uji.es>
Subject: Lisp for the Macintosh ?
Can someone say me if there is free Lisp-interpreter (Common or
that runs in a Macintosh ?
Please e-mail the answer to navarro@si.uji.es
Thanks in advance.
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 93 20:24:47 -0600
From: charles@calshp.cals.wisc.edu
Subject: MacLayers on HP-UX? (Q)
MacLayers's unix side doesn't compile on HP-UX. Has anyone been able to
the code so that it compiles on HP-UX?
Charles C. Hsieh
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 11:41:48 EST
From: Chris Tanski <CTANSKI%ONONDAGA.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
Subject: MacTCP
I need to know where I can get a copy, CHEAP, of MacTCP for sys7.1? Please
reply directly. Thanks.
Chris Tanski
ctanski@onondaga.bitnet OCM BOCES
captanski33@snycorva.cortland.edu SUNY Cortland
ctanski@nyx.cs.du.edu Denver University
ag244@yfn.ysu.edu Youngstown State University
Date: 04 Feb 1993 10:03:56 -0600 (CST)
From: "Dwight Lemke @ Wisconsin Oshkosh" <LEMKE@vaxa.cis.uwosh.edu>
Subject: MacWhite House
Say, did anyone catch the article in the New York Times reporting on the
Clintonites shock at occupying the White House and finding the desks
populated with IBM Selectrics? Fifteen years after the advent of the PC?
Given Sculley's proximity to the Administration, has anyone heard rumors
of John doing an AppleTalk sale? I remember that when President Clinton
held his economic conference, Sculley got them to mention that all the
slide shows were produced by Apple.
There is another rumor that the new Pres even has a CIS account. With
a Mac on his desk, that would mean great PR for our favorite technology.
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1993 18:42:28 GMT
From: jbk@world.std.com (Jeffrey B Kane)
Subject: Matrix inversion in Mathematica
Re: problem inverting a 12 X 12 matrix.
This isn't that kind of big. Either your freind doesn't have enough RAM
(most likely), the program is munged (i.e. try reinstalling) it,
or something else is fundamentally wrong.
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 23:53:48 +0100
From: abl@cybill.inesc.pt (Antonio Leal)
Subject: MS Word 4.0 and Excel 3.0 in Portuguese?
> Has anyone out there encountered a Portuguese version of Word or Excel?
Yep, they do exist. Word 4.0 PO is a Portuguese version of Word 4
(no 5.0 yet, which is good, considering that Word5 is such a hog).
There's Excel 2.2 PO. I'm not certain about 3.0, surely not Excel 4.
Actually, both Apple and Microsoft have branches in Portugal.
Local prices are higher than U.S. prices - I don't know if that
will affect the prices you pay there for Portuguese versions.
> Any info on other Portuguese word processors, spread sheets, and paint
> programs would also be of interest and helpful.
Browsing a price list, I see also
FileMaker PRO 1.0 PO
MacDraw II 2.1.1 PO
MicroSoft File 2.0 PO
4th Dimension V2 PO
Update intl -> PO for X-Press (intl version sold is 3.1)
Good luck,
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1993 22:39:36 -0600 (CST)
From: Dow Palmer <edpalmer@tenet.edu>
Subject: Network Mystery Problems
A question that may have a simple answer. We're responsible for a school
network of Classic II, LCII, ImageWriters, and DeskWriters. While we have
a server, the problem concernins printer sharing. The building is wired
with phone cable and LocalTalk connector boxes on a backbone, and properly
terminated at both ends (I thought). Up until a week ago, the arrangement
worked fine, one could see all printers and the server from either end of
the network.
Then, without warning, nothing could be reliably printed. The server would
allow a remote device to attach, and then fail, saying that the server
(which could be seen seconds earlier), failed to respond. The only
printers that could be seen in the Chooser were ones near the computer we
were at. I traced wiring, checked everything, and found that when I
inserted additional termination *in the middle* of the backbone, printers
and servers could again be seen anywhere. I thought I understood the
concepts, but this contradicts what I thought would work. Any ideas out
there about what caused it, and why the additional termination works? I
could understand if we were overloaded and had had problems from the
start, but since it has worked for five months, why would things suddenly
go bad? There are probably 80 devices attached, though not all share
printers. Replacing drivers, etc. had no effect. Thanks!
edpalmer@tenet.edu Dripping Springs, TX
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1993 22:31:25 -0600
From: mlbizer@mcl.cc.utexas.edu (Marc Bizer)
Subject: Now Menus
Dear Now Utilities users,
I've noticed another problem which seems to the fault of Now Menus.
I used to use BeHierarchic, and so I placed aliases of my favorite
applications within real folders inside the Apple Menu which I organized by
adding spaces, weird characters, etc. I installed NowMenus with this same
arrangement, but I've noticed that while NowMenus gives me a little right
hand arrow when I move through my "Writing Tools" folder to Word 4 or Word
5, showing me the most recently opened files with these programs, it will
not launch the program with the file (nor the "Other..." selection). It
will launch the program without a file, however; the application can of
course be launched with a file by choosing the file without an associated
application. What makes me think that this is a NowMenus problem is that if
I add an application such as Word 4 directly to the Apple Menu via Now
Menus so that it isn't within a folder inside the Apple menu, then the
application can be launched with its associated recently opened file. Has
anyone else noticed this? Probably only people who were used to using
Please post to the list and to me directly.
Yours truly,
Marc Bizer
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 93 10:32:26 CST
From: Graeme Forbes <PL0BALF@VM.TCS.Tulane.EDU>
Subject: Patching the 4M driver
Various people who read my last rambling on the topic of 4M vs. Laser-
Writer Pro have asked me about the patch to make the 4M look in the
Fonts Folder under 7.1. This thread goes way back - I think it started
with people patching ATM rather than calling Adobe for the upgrade.
What works for me: using ResEdit, open PDEF 126 with the Hex editor,
and search for the *first* occurrence of "extn"; change it to "font".
Warning: HP technical support said to me: don't do this!
There is another "extn" in 126, and one in 127. If someone would like
to experiment and post the results...
The method was passed on to me by Jim Elliott - thanks, Jim. I believe
this type of patch is known to work well with LJ II and III drivers.
My guess is that the HP guy didn't really understand what I was talking
about, or maybe it was my Scottish accent. Anyway, you do it at your
own risk. If you do it to your only copy of the driver you score F and go
to the bottom of the class, whether or not it works!
Graeme Forbes
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 93 00:30:25 EST
From: alan123@aol.com
Subject: Phone number anagrams
Is there any utility that will take a phone number and list all possible word
combinations, to see if you can find a neumonic for the phone number?
Example: Apples help hotline phone number is (800) 776-2333, or (800)
Procede. I would love to be able to put in a phone number and get a catchy
memory device. The prefered program should be able to do it on any number of
digits of the phone number, to come up with a number like 212-374-DESK.
Anyone ever see anything like this?? Alan Gordon
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1993 08:40:21 EST
Subject: Postscript (Q)
I would like to print a Mac postscript file on a non-Mac printer. Are there
any Mac-based conversion programs to convert a Mac postscript file to a format
that could be printed on a Unix based system?? I have used macps on the unix
machine but would really like something on the Mac instead.
Phil Williams
pmw0@lehigh.edu (internet)
Date: 3 Feb 1993 22:38:44 GMT
From: gsanchez@waite.adelaide.edu.au (Gabriel Sanchez)
Subject: Problem with PB145 and Power Pad
Thanks in advance
Please E-mail to:gsanchez@waite.adelaide.edu.au
P.D. Does anybody know, if Sophisticated Circuit has a E-mail address??
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 04:16:24 GMT
From: mh001b@uhura.cc.rochester.edu (Matthew W. Hacker)
Subject: program submitters *please* write a useful header before posting
Let me second this. Having been told recently to 'find anything that
might be useful to our Mac users' I really would like to see people
put better abstracts in their submissions... Stuff like
what it is (control panel, init, app, etc), system requirements, size
and what it actually does would be really helpful!
Matthew W. Hacker mh001b@uhura.cc.rochester.edu
AppleII forever!
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1993 11:59:14 GMT
From: kuipers@fwi.uva.nl (Tobias Kuipers)
Subject: Reading from Unix Floppy Disks with a Mac
Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu writes:
>Hello Everybody !
>I have some files on Unix floppy disks that I want to put on the Hard
>Drive of my Mac. Does anybody know of a program for the Mac which can
>actually read these disks and copy the files to the Mac ?
>Regards, Huub Appelboom
> huub@oxide.ntt.jp
If you store the files as tar archives on a floppy disk, from a Sun, IBM
and severakl other workstations, you can use an application called
suntar. It's at sumex. It's excellent. It reads the tar archives from a
unix floppy and (where necessary) even converts them to mac format
(binhex, macbinary, that sort of stuff).
Tobias Kuipers - kuipers@fwi.uva.nl - University of Amsterdam - Netherlands
Date: 4 Feb 93 11:10:41 EST
From: David.M.Tillinghast@Dartmouth.EDU (David M. Tillinghast)
Subject: Running an original Mac???
Hello, I just fixed up a Macintosh - yes the original 1984 model complete
with a whole 128k of RAM.
The problem is, I don't have a system disk that will run the thing. I
downloaded the Mac 512K system off a public server up here at Dartmouth, but
it won't work.
I assume I need an even older version of the system.
I put the 512K system on a 400K one-sided disk and used a special program to
re-write the boot blocks, but it still didn't work.
Does anyone know where I can find the original system? It's not in the Apple
archives FTP site, either. At least I couldn't find it when I looked.
I'd really appreciate if someone could help us out. I'm restoring this
computer for a local day care center.
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1993 10:05 EST
From: fusonv@CC.DENISON.EDU
Subject: screen saver wanted
We're looking for a public domain screen saver which is not an application
(like Dark Side and Tiny Saver are). It will be for Macs in a student lab
which are running At Ease. I've looked through the info-mac archives but
not found anything. Any pointers are welcome.
Vanessa Fuson, Academic Support Specialist
Computing Services, Denison University
Date: 4 Feb 1993 11:56:21 -0500
From: "Tom Scott" <Tom_Scott@qmrelay.mail.cornell.edu>
Subject: Slide Scanner Add-On (Q)
Slide Scanner Add-On (Q)
Whoa, after answering so many I-M questions recently, it seems strange
to be on the ASKING end! ;-)
In the January '93 issue of Publish magazine (page 35), there's an ad
for Epson (600C & 800C) color scanners. In the ad, it talks about an
add-on transperancy unit to scan slides.
My question: Is there anything like this that could be hooked up to
an Apple OneScanner? Our Publications office has this scanner, and
they'd like the ability to scan in slides for placement in document
"dummies" to show exact placement, orientation, and cropping when they
send them out to the printers.
In the absence of an add-on unit, does anyone have recommendations
for a low-cost stand-alone slide scanner. We're not looking for
camera-ready scans; just good enough to compose the "dummy" sheets.
Please give prices and vendors to contact.
Thanks muchly!
Thomas Scott, Systems Manager, College of Engineering
Cornell University, Carpenter Hall Annex, Ithaca, NY 14853
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 07:39 WET
From: Jeffrey L. Needleman <needje@msen.com>
Subject: Strip accented characters for email? (A)
In 11-27, Philip Harriman says:
>What we really want to do is replace accented characters with
>their un-accented counterparts. I have downloaded Add/Strip, and
>it looks like this might do the trick for him, although it would
>involve additional steps. Is there any easier way to do this?
Processing through Add/Strip isn't hard--you just have to set up the
replacement strings ONCE and save the resulting Add/Strip settings file.
Add/Strip can handle up to 150 replacement strings in a single pass.
Shouldn't take more than a minute or two to set it up.
Some may suggest using BBEdit's Extension 827... I found some problems
with that--umlautted letters become the base letter followed by an e--but
since the source code is provided you might be able to modify it to work.
Circumflexes and accents acute and grave are translated properly.
Jeff Needleman <needje@msen.com>
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1993 03:41:45 GMT
From: warn@newton.emba.uvm.edu (Patrick D Warn)
Subject: Stylewriter II (Q)
In digest <9302030113.AA13624@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU>
Info-Mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu writes:
> 1. I know the Stylewriter II drivers can be used with the original
> Stylewriter. Does the new driver allow a Stylewriter to be shared
> on a network, or is that a hardware function.
Its in the software and will work with the SWI
> 2. Can I buy a Stylewriter II driver without buying a Stylewriter II?
I'm not positive about this, but I think you can get the driver for free.
Ask your dealer and check apple.com
> 3. When you are printing over a network to a Stylewriter II how much
> extra load is placed on the computer connected to the printer?
Not much. I've tried this with a PB100, a Classic II, and a Q700. The load
on the computer did not seem to change, but the speed at which the print
came out did.
Wondering what it all means,
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 93 21:53:28 EST
From: leo@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca (Prof. L.G. Leduc)
Subject: Suitcase 2.0 & 2.1 (Q)
Hello netters,
I have a problem with Suitcase 2.0 and 2.1 on a Mac IIci computer. I tried
to install these versions of Suitcase on my newly acquired computer and I
get frozen upon startup. I get the color icon for Suitcase during startup
but it just freezes at that point.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please reply to me directly.
Leo G. Leduc
Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1993 20:18 EST
From: "Ethan J. Benatan" <EJBST4@vms.cis.pitt.edu>
Subject: SVGA Monitors for Mac IIsi (A)
For what it's worth, I use a Mirror 14" Color monitor, which is a VGA
It comes with a regular VGA plug (which I can use to plug it into my
IBM-clone (which I have *only* for required schoolwork, I assure you!)).
The magic is in the little black adapter that goes between the VGA connection
on the monitor cable and the video out on the IIsi. I don't know offhand
how it is wired, but if you really need to know, I can take it off and take
a meter to it. As far as I know said adapter contains nothing other than
wired connections, but I'm not absolutely positive. It has no distinguishing
marks, I'm afraid. Hope this helps-
Ethan Benatan
Date: 04 Feb 1993 08:49:30 -0600 (CST)
From: "John A." <ANTOLAK%RADPH6.DECNET@relay.the.net>
Subject: Symantec e-mail (or looking for __________)
There are a lot of questions on Info-Mac regarding locations of
certain files or information. How about taking a hint form the
Info-Mac header.
The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[]. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.
If you look in that directory, you will find a file called
"all-files.txt". People might find it interesting to have a look at
this file, to get an idea of what file are available. Besides the
files in the "info-mac/help" directory, there are a bunch of files in
the "info-mac/report" directory that have all sorts of information.
There are also answers to various questions like "How do I use
______?". There are also files in the report directory "*-faq.txt"
that contain answers to Frequently Asked Questions. Have a look there
before you post a messages like "I'm sorry if this is a faq...".
That said, have a look in the file
-r 101945 Nov 11 23:33 ./report/vendor-emails.hqx
which I found in my trusty copy of "all-files.txt". It may have what
you are looking for.
Cheers, John A.
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1993 17:13:04 -0500
From: Pierre Tanguay <Pierre_Tanguay@UQTR.UQuebec.CA>
Subject: TeachText Editor
Hi netters, do you know where I can find a teachtext editor? I'd like to
pictures or QT movies in a teachtext document but it does'nt work. I need
Thank's in advance for your help. :-)
Pierre Tanguay
Trois Rivieres University
Quebec, Canada
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 14:28 WET
From: Jeffrey L. Needleman <needje@msen.com>
Subject: TypeStyler 2.0.2 available
A new version of Broderbund's TypeStyler program which DOES work with
System 7.1's Fonts Folder is now available. Call Broderbund at
1-800-521-6263 to order (it's the voice mail option #4 for upgrades);
upgrade price from version 2.0 is $10 plus $2.50 shipping for version
2.0.2. (I was told today that the disks are out-of-stock but should be
available again within ten days or so.)
Jeff Needleman <needje@msen.com>
Date: 04 Feb 1993 10:27:09 -0400 (EDT)
From: PER_CUNNING@ohio.gov
Subject: Using MacsBug
First, thanks to all the good people who contribute to Info-Mac who have
already assisted this lurker a hundred times in the past with their collected
Now, I have a question which hopefully isn't a FAQ (I couldn't find much that
was relevant in the archives). I recently got a copy of MacsBug and
installed it on my Mac; the next time my machine crashed and dropped me into
MacsBug, I realized I didn't have the foggiest notion of what to do once I'd
gotten there. I consider myself a Mac power user of sorts, but have NO
knowledge of Mac programming.
I guess I really have two questions:
1. Is MacsBug of much use to one who isn't a programmer?
2. Does anyone know of a FAQ or manual dealing with MacsBug, which will give
me some insights into how to take advantage of the program as a non-
Any advice would be much appreciated!
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 11:55:08 PST
From: Willie Strickland <willie@igc.apc.org>
Subject: USR modem and error correction
Well, it is time to update everyone on my search to find the proper
configuration for my USR Courier HST modem.
In summary, when I log onto Peacenet at 9600 baud I get an error correcting
connection (CONNECT 9600/ARQ/V32/LAPM). But when I logon at 2400 baud I
cannot get an error correcting connection (CONNECT 2400/NONE).
I am using the same modem commands and the same modem for each call. The
commands I am using are AT&F (to set factory defaults) followed by
AT&A3X6&B1&H1 (&A3-additional result codes, X6-extended result codes,
&B1-fixed DTE rate, &H1-hardware flow control of transmitted data). I am
using White Knight 11.14 and have the "Use hardware handshaking" option
I have read through the manual twice and tried a number of options beside
those above. When I spoke with customer support at US Robotics, the person
told me that if I was using the same command string each time, then the
problem was with the modem that I was calling. I even got out my Volt-Ohm
meter and checked my cable against the info in the White Knight manual & in
the USR manual to verify that the cable was wired as needed. To further
confuse me, when I log onto Peacenet with my Powerbook and its Global Village
modem, I get an error correcting connection at both 9600 baud (CONNECT
9600/REL-V42) and at 2400 baud (CONNECT 2400/REL-MNP). I dont know where to
go from here.
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1993 13:27:42 UTC+0200
From: Rafael Collantes <rafael@iit.upco.es>
Subject: UUdecoders & btoa for the mac.
Hola a todos:
I am looking for a program that is able to UUencode & UUdecode Files.
I am also interested in btoa and atob coding software.
Any idea will be appreciated.
Rafael Collantes
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 93 12:27:41 +0100
From: ptr@greco2.polytechnique.fr(Peter Goedtkindt)
Subject: Virtual 3.0 runs on Mac SE ?
Hallo netters,
* Does anybody has experience with Virtual (connetix) on a Mac SE (non
What is the speed degradation (if one can speek about speed for an SE...)?
And what is the max memory you get this way.
* What is the speed increase with respect to sys 7 virt. memory on 68030
based machines?
please e-mail, Greetings from PAris, Ptr
Date: Thu, 4 Feb 1993 19:56:48 PST
From: Kee Nethery <nethery@parc.xerox.com>
Subject: wedding planner (C) :-)
>Does anyone know of a share/freeware package that does wedding planning
>on the mac?
We had a surprise wedding with our folks present and spent our wedding
cere-money on a two week barge cruise in france. My advise, elope with the
parents present.
Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1993 06:24:45 EST
From: "Paul D. Bain" <pdbain@ufcc.ufl.edu>
Subject: wp-tips.hqx
This is a 12-page WordPerfect document that contains a collection
of tips and tricks for using WordPerfect 2.1. It is in question
and answer format.
This file needs WordPerfect 2.1
The author is WordPerfect Corporation.
End of Info-Mac Digest